About KV
Kendriya Vidyalaya Murgabadi opened on 6th August 2010 .At present, it is running in DIET Hostel building,Baripada.It was inaugurated by Shri P.C Bhanjdeo, Hon’ble minister of state youth affairs, sports and revenue, Govt. of Odisha in the presence of
- Shri Laxman Tudu,Hon’ble M.P Loksabha.
- Miss Sushila Tiriya Hon’ble M.P Rajya Sabha.
- Smt. Aswathy S. IAS.Collector and District Magistrate,Mayurbhanj.
- Shri R.S Kisku,Hon’ble chairman,Municipality,Baripada
In 2010 it was permitted to run classes I to V then on each of the successive year extension was given for the next class . A full fledged KV Murgabadi with Classes upto Std. X came into existence from the academic session 2015-16.